Recipe for Success

Recipe for Success - Goal Setting

What can Cornbread teach us about succeeding in life?  Come and discover how Coach Q’s delicious cornbread recipe can help set you on the right path to achieve in both your personal and professional goals. Why do certain people achieve their goals, while others struggle? This class will help you establish your VISION for your team and set goals consistent with that vision.  

1) Participants will be able to create a vision for his/her team and create goals to support that vision.
2) Participants will use goals to guide time management decisions (prioritizing tasks, self and employee motivation, accepting/delegating/declining tasks.) 

There are several key behaviors and mindsets that cause us to succeed or fail, so come and taste the morsels of wisdom Coach Q has to offer and get a taste of some delicious cornbread while you’re at it. You will never look at cornbread the same again!



Emotional Intelligence
Self-Direction and Development
Date and Time

Thursday, January 17, 2019
10:30 am-12:30 pm PDT


University of Public Works
30 Van Ness Avenue
Suite 3900

Credit Hours

